Friends Fandom
The FRIENDS Fandom FRIENDS theme song On September 22, 1994 (Amber, 2024) one of the most popular sitcoms in the world aired its very first episode. Six friends living regular lives at the home base of Central Perk in New York City took over the 90’s into the 2000’s. The show FRIENDS became an American favorite over the years it aired and is still a fan obsession 20 years after the last episode came out. Fans went crazy for Phoebe’s quirky style and Chandler’s mindless jokes. Since the beginning of the show up until now, fans have been going to the FRIENDS experience in New York City, getting “the Rachel'' haircut, decorating their houses in FRIENDS gear , and posting just about everything they love about the show on social media. The FRIENDS Experience Fans from all over the country tra...