Who is Kristina?

     Hi, my name is Kristina DeBree and I was born on January 7, 2005. Some of my hobbies include kayaking, listening to music as well as playing in different music ensembles, and playing with my dogs. Another fact about me is that I have been working at Camelback as a lifeguard for four years. Lastly, one interesting thing about myself is that I have two different colored eyes. 


  1. I love attending Music ensembles and playing in them but its been a while.

  2. Camelback is one of my favorite resorts to visit in the summer!

  3. Hi Kristina! I also love going kayaking and playing with my dog, Tucker.

  4. Thanks for sharing. You should introduce us to your pets. There's a caption function in Blogger that allows you to label images.


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