Who is Adele?

 Hi, my name's Adele and I'm a student here at Bloomsburg University. Bloomsburg was not my top choice for school nor was it in the top five.  Originally I wanted to go to school in Boston so my top five consisted of Boston University, Boston College, MIT, Harvard, and Umass. I decided early into my college application process that it was just too far away from my family.  Maybe I'll go somewhere in that area for graduate school but I still have a long way ahead of me until then. On the weekends I like to visit my family and three dogs in MountainTop. It's only a 35 minute trip so I don't mind driving there and back. The three dogs that I have are all muts we got from rescue shelters so don't ask me what breed they are because I have no idea.  I can tell you that their names are Briscoe, Monkeyboy, and Squirrel in order of most well behaved to least well behaved. One thing to know about me is that I love animals, specifically dogs, but I don't mind dissecting a rat in Biology class every once in a while. That's another thing, I'm a stem major and I love it. Most of the time. It's been a struggle but it'll be worth it in the end. The last thing people should know about me is that I actually have no idea who I am yet, but I'll figure it out eventually. 


                                                                This is my dog, Squirrel. 


  1. My first choice was actually not Bloomsburg either. I originally wanted to go to University of Delaware but financially, it was not the smartest decision. I am glad that I came here though because now I feel like I have made the most out of it!

  2. I really enjoyed that you listed your dogs in order of best to least behaved. Very amusing. Rescue dogs are awesome. Both of my boys Finn and Fraggle are rescues. Thanks for sharing.


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